The Chapter of Canons
Chapter of Canons I Basilica of Santa Maria ad Martyres
The Collegiate Basilica of S. Maria ad Martyres is the only church in Rome, apart from the four Papal Basilicas, still governed by a Chapter of Canons, set up for solemn worship and made up of twelve effective and six honorary priests. Canons are freely appointed by the Cardinal Vicar, according to the rescript of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II of 26 March 1987. The Ordinary Military Archbishop of Italy in office is <strongresponsible for the Basilica of S. Maria ad Martyres and for the Chapter of the Basilica. He intervenes, when he deems it appropriate, at the celebrations and at the Chapter meetings. He is responsible for supervising the observance of the Constitutions and of the provisions of the Ecclesiastical Authority. He is delegated by the Cardinal Vicar to carry out the acts within his competence regarding the Basilica and the Chapter, unless otherwise provided. The Canon Archpriest is the pro-tempore Rector of the Basilica; presides over the Chapter and orders the Chapter celebrations, convokes and presides over the meetings of the Chapter and, as Rector, takes care of the exercise of worship and the pastoral activity of welcoming pilgrims and visitors, administers the Basilica and provides for all worship with offerings given by the faithful Actual and honorary Canons "during munere" are supernumerary Prothonotary Apostolic and their choral dress is the prelatic dress.

Chapter members
Currently, the Chapter of Canons is composed as follows:
- Exc. Mons. Santo MARCIANO’, Ordinary Military Archbishop for Italy
- Msgr. Daniele Micheletti, Archpriest Rector
- Msgr. Vittorio Pignoloni, Penitentiary
- Msgr. Angelo Frigerio, Chamberlain
- Msgr. Alessandro Pierotti, Secretary
- Msgr. Franco Sarzi Sartori
- Msgr. Salvatore Genchi
- Msgr. Vincenzo Pizzimenti
- Msgr. Ugo Michele Borlenghi
- Msgr. Maurizio Costantini
- Msgr. Bruno Gagliarducci
- Msgr. Marco Malizia
- Msgr. Sergio Siddi
- Msgr. Ludovico Allegretti
- Msgr. Albert Alberti
- Msgr. Angelo Crotti
- Msgr. Peter Campominosi
Il “Capitolo di S. Maria ad Martyres”, con sede in Roma, Piazza della Rotonda s. n. c., 00186 Roma, C. F. 97141400586, è un Ente ecclesiastico civilmente riconosciuto “per antico possesso di stato” con Decreto del Ministro dell’Interno ed iscritto al n. 45/2000 nel Registro delle Persone Giuridiche tenuto presso la Prefettura di Roma, avente esclusivamente finalità di religione e di culto.
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