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Pantheon in Rome

Basilica of Santa Maria ad Martyres Pantheon in Rome

"The best preserved monument of ancient Rome, a privileged place of dialogue between art and faith”


in this place full of art, history and spirituality The Chapter of Canons of the Basilica of Santa Maria ad Martyres - Pantheon in Rome welcomes you and hopes that your visit will be full of satisfaction, both artistically and culturally, as well as religiously. The use of the Pantheon is very different from person to person and depends on the universe of thoughts and feelings of each. We would like this visit to be a highlight for you, giving you the opportunity as a tourist to become a pilgrim. Here you will find all the information to live the liturgical life in the Basilica. May you be welcome!

ingresso pantheon roma
Hours of Mass celebrations and calendar of religious activities

Greeting from the Rector

"Every year millions of visitors enter the Basilica of Sancta Maria ad Martyres, the Pantheon of Rome. Some do not know that it is a Christian church. Some are not Christians. Many do not belong to any religious faith. They are tourists. Tourists with a thousand faces, that seem to be brought along by the flow of things. They enter to visit a monument of ancient Rome, a monument of the past to which, with difficulty, they attribute a value in the present. The Pantheon, on the other hand, still has its own life. It speaks to the present and has a future. The Pantheon still resounds with songs and hymns to God. It is still a place of meditation and research. It is still a temple. So a simple tourist visit to the Pantheon can open up to the surprise of the encounter with the Basilica of Sancta Maria ad Martyres. And a simple visitor, a distracted tourist, can suddenly find himself a pilgrim. The Pantheon is capable of this surprise. The Pantheon wants you as a pilgrim, the protagonist of a journey that sees you rediscover who you are and what you love, what what you hope and what you want. Look up: don't just see, observe! Stones, statues, marbles, a monumental dome, an ancient design, old puzzles of light, space, luminous stars… Become a pilgrim of yourself. Seek and find yourself. Let yourself be searched and let yourself be found. As for us, we would just like to be your travel companions.”
Logo Pantheon
Mons. Daniele Michele Micheletti
To contact the Rector write an email

From Tourist to Piligrim

If you want to contribute to the activities of the Chapter of Santa Maria ad Martyres, as part of the Pilgrim Tourist project you will find our reception desk inside the Pantheon where you can take advantage of audio guides and guided tours available against a recommended offer.


With your visit to the Pantheon, you will help us support the numerous activities in the Basilica of Santa Maria ad Martyres, in favor of those in greatest need and of the missions.